Tuesday 22 December 2009

Whut? Ohai.

I'm a restoration shaman, a troll denizen of Bloodhoof EU. My main alts are a mage and an enhancement shaman (yes, I like shaman enough to have two at level cap). I'm an adequate healer in a small guild that raids when there are ten people online with the inclination. My main's offspec is elemental PvP, and although currently I'd rank myself sub-scrub in Arena I feel entirely qualified to moan about it. Just don't ask me to tank stuff, I freak out.

I'm going to drop things here, if I think they're worth dropping and they're WoW related. I don't have an agenda in mind, except to write more and more often, and to braindump occasionally.

As of this first post, patch 3.3 just dropped a couple of weeks back; the new Icecrown 5-man instances are open for business; and the first four bosses of the Icecrown Citadel raid are being slaughtered wholesale. Restoration is currently in a good place, as far as I'm concerned, with a compact set of healing tools that interact pleasantly and great flexibility in smaller raids.