Friday 18 June 2010

Hunter Pets Are Unnecessary

Alright, alright. I admit it. I rolled a huntard. A cute wittle orc, in fact, struggling gamely 'neath the weight of her many heirlooms.

I hit level 20 the other night, levelling as Marksman because it looks to have the best toys. And really... why do I want a pet? I have approximately ninety-seven billion ways to control what I'm fighting, Disengage, infinite mana and obscene damage.

Sure, my li'l scorpid can sorta tank something if I want to eat a sandwich instead of playing the game. And he's cute enough. But really he's just an ambulatory DoT that wants feeding constantly (Why do pets get unhappy? Why do I care?).

I'm not going to drop the pet for now, just because... well, sometimes I want to eat sandwiches, you know? But it really seems excessive to have a pet in addition to all these other tools, and if I could trade him in for a personal DPS boost of some kind I'd do it without a second thought.

Maybe I'm a terrible person. Certainly I suspect I'm not a hunter at heart.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Stuff Happened

Welp, Arthas is dead. Sure, it took a 20% buff and a couple of weeks of flailing at him, but the important thing is that we smacked him about 'til he fell over. The wuss.

He dropped a very nice kitty staff, and a terribly itemised mace that I almost rolled on because it looked gorgeous despite the icky crit/mp5. Really, Blizzard? I know you're honour-bound to drop gear that makes me wince in ten man raids, but the final boss is allowed to have non-sucky stuff. Honest.

The fight is quite fun, although I've yet to heal it all the way through. I quite enjoy elemental, and we have an absurd excess of great healers, so I should probably be working on my offset gear with more zeal. Meh, back to the sanity tap for frost badgers I suppose. I will rise about DPS mediocrity eventually!

After that we went and roflstomped TotGC and just barely scraped a Tribute to Mad Skill. I'm getting increasingly disillusioned with doing these older raids with my main, though. I don't feel we particularly deserved the victory (three healers? What?), and the rewards are pointless - excepting those who still like to keep T9 set bonuses, they were genuinely happy to pick up some trophies. I value achievements and titles very little, so all that remains is the challenge (greatly diminished by lolgear) and the fun of doing stuff with a great raid group (unchanged, but equally available doing other content). I feel I should start bringing alts to these things, who may get upgrades (I like gear) and will be approaching the fights from a different class perspective. The problem then is simply ensuring I'm not the under-performing warm body making everyone else's life a little more miserable.

Next week: ICC hard modes! That will be fun.