Friday 18 June 2010

Hunter Pets Are Unnecessary

Alright, alright. I admit it. I rolled a huntard. A cute wittle orc, in fact, struggling gamely 'neath the weight of her many heirlooms.

I hit level 20 the other night, levelling as Marksman because it looks to have the best toys. And really... why do I want a pet? I have approximately ninety-seven billion ways to control what I'm fighting, Disengage, infinite mana and obscene damage.

Sure, my li'l scorpid can sorta tank something if I want to eat a sandwich instead of playing the game. And he's cute enough. But really he's just an ambulatory DoT that wants feeding constantly (Why do pets get unhappy? Why do I care?).

I'm not going to drop the pet for now, just because... well, sometimes I want to eat sandwiches, you know? But it really seems excessive to have a pet in addition to all these other tools, and if I could trade him in for a personal DPS boost of some kind I'd do it without a second thought.

Maybe I'm a terrible person. Certainly I suspect I'm not a hunter at heart.


  1. A hunter pet serves one purpose only - massive ablative armour which only works against specific targets. Oh, and to appeal to collectors.

    Oh, and the feeding problem is solved by a Glyph of Mend Pet - every time you cast it, they get happier. Since Aspect of the Viper means you have infinite mana between combat, it also means you have an infinitely happy lump of meaty armour.

  2. I fear the hunter is for the scrapheap. She's too powerful to be engaging to play in general, at least at this early level, and I'm not feeling the flavour of the class.

    This is good, in many ways. I'm rapidly running out of character slots, and I want a tauren paladin. A second mage would be nice, or a second druid. I might experiment with the warlock class, but given how I treated the hunter pet...

    Granted warlock pets don't have these icky 'feelings', but it's still placing a chunk of my utility and damage in the control of a particularly stupid NPC. No thanks.
