Friday 8 January 2010

The Birth of a Tiny Tank

I have a tank!

(full disclosure: I also have a level 76 tank-spec'd feral druid, but she doesn't even get brought out for JC dailies any more. The poor thing is... abandoned.)

Two things led to this rather bizarre situation. I was doing some random dungeons on my tiny little cow-warrior, part of my new year not-resolution to better my understanding of parts of the game at which I fail and suck. Hanging around waiting for an AFK healer in the Armoury, I was picking through my bags looking at some of the loot I'd acquired when being boosted by kindly guildies. I noticed the Aegis of the Scarlet commander, Gauntlets of Divinity, plus a couple of bits of the Scarlet set. Ctrl-clicking, I further noticed my little warrior looked pretty damn awesome, in a red kind of way. Healer returns, and off we trundle through the instance. Herod falls over in due course, and (although he does thoughtlessly neglect to drop the shoulder piece) no less than two of the tabards drop off the swarming trash afterwards! One of which I won! Exciting stuff, I'd never gotten one on any other character. Picked up a quest reward sword at some point, and all of a sudden my Proto-Scarlet set was looking all kinds of awesome.

So cute. I'm not one for RP, nor do I play on an RP realm, but that's just nifty looking... aside from the shoulders, anyway. "Hmm," thunk my brain "Almost wish I wore a shield and sword like that full time..."

The second event was rather less positive. A little later, I was trotting through Uldaman with one of those highly fail paladin tanks. He had decent threat generation and DPS, but kept LoSing the healer (he was merrily engaging the poor resto shaman in a mangled parody of conversation whilst running ahead. When she stopped to reply in a considered and less failspeak manner, he... didn't), ignored adds that didn't stray onto his Consecrate, and eventually proceeded to pull an entire room of adds and the General boss. I sighed and hit the by now rather familiar defensive stance + weapon/shield macro and Challenging Shouted at the lot after the tank fell over, but by then it was a lost cause. This kind of stupid wipe is annoying, but hardly unusual. Everyone starts the corpse run, and he (needlessly) pipes up "every1 run, only sham can rez" or some such piffle.

"Not really, you can as well" quoth I.
In response: "no lol"
"Yeah, you really can. Check your spellbook for Redemption"
"i didnt lrn it"
A small argument ensues, as I mistakenly thought you didn't need to do the quest any more and just got the skill at the trainer. It seems you do need the quest.
"OK I'm wrong, but why didn't you do the quest? It's one of your critical abilities as a paladin!"
"i cba its a chain and takes 2 long"

By this point, I was standing open-mouthed just inside the instance. I think he was already pulling stuff deep within, but I'd been afflicted by Stunning Stupidity(rank 14). The quest, from my obviously hazy recollection, involves walking around Silvermoon for perhaps five minutes.

I apologised to the rest and dropped group. It was just too damn stupid. How can anyone do that? I'm sure we could have easily done the instance, and hardly kid myself that a replacement DPS was hard to find, but the cost to what remains of my sanity would be too high to continue. And frankly I refuse to help that kind of person in even the smallest of ways.

As a healer, the idea of someone not learning to resurrect when they're capable is abhorrent. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

So, through a combination of my little cow looking awesome with her sword 'n board and that one person's towering idiocy: I dinged 40, dual spec'd prot, grabbed a load of cheap plate off the AH and prepared to tick the other little warrior role-box for the next random dungeon!

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