Thursday 11 March 2010

Tankin' HoR - It's Hard

My poor little undergeared bear has been thrown into Halls of Reflection twice, now. I suspect this is the fault of my (considerably nicer) healing gear, but I've made a stab at it.

First time went without a hitch. The priest healer kept one of the ranged spirits shackled at all times, and the DPS paid attention to Omen (I make a point of mentioning my new-ness and generally low threat output on joining an instance, but people listening is still a rarity).

Second time, we had no priest, and no other useful CC either. The DPS had better gear, and were veritable aggromonkeys. We wiped twice on the last wave of spirits before the very first boss, before deciding it wasn't happening. I couldn't control all the mobs without the help of some CC, and I was too squishy to let the healer focus on keeping DPS alive when they did pull aggro. It ended politely, but still. Bit of a sad ending to an otherwise productive night of bearing.

From the perspective of a noob-bear, the instance is a real pain. I had to use growl and FFF on cooldown to try to keep the riflemen and magi focused on me, and swipe-spam in the alcove to keep the melee mobs semi-controlled. If any of them got loose, it was painful to reacquire threat given that growl was generally on cooldown. Charging one of the ranged mobs after getting concrete threat on the melee did help, but was risky. And if I hate that alcove for giving me viewing problems on my shaman, it's ten times worse with a giant bear arse obscuring the screen!

I'm not sure what to do about that place, except get a better weapon and try to sharpen my focus. The emphasis is there because my druid still hasn't seen the polearm from HoR. Nor the one from ToC. Nor even the staff from VH - she's stuck with the drudgery of the tournament dailies to pick up the Staff of Feral Furies at some point in the distant future, because precious little else is dropping for her. /grump

Speaking of focus, I managed to fail utterly and repeatedly in Old Kingdom. Never tank whilst tired and using a new UI mod that wrecks your frame rate - the combination is not shiny. I guess I had become blasé about tanking the 'normal' heroics to even consider this, and ate a mounded helping of humble pie as a result.

Tanking takes concentration and sensible reflexes to do well. Who'd have thought?

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